Sunday, September 4, 2022

New Start: Poem by Matt Witt

 New Start

by Matt Witt

It used to be 

that if you walked along Bear Creek 

that runs next to town 

you could see the stream 

only in a few moments

because the view was blocked 

by brambles of highly flammable blackberries 

and tangles of branches.

Then this summer’s inferno

burned everything to ash,

clearing out the old understory

and leaving only a sprinkling of

charred tree trunks, 

like ghosts from the past.

Now you can walk freely 

across cleared black ground

and see how the stream community works,

the side creeks feeding it,

the ducks and coots and geese

finding food and 

shelter from predators.

It used to be 

that if you walked through town 

you could see the money stream 

only in a few moments 

because the view was blocked 

by fairy tales about 

rugged individuals and 

the generosity of the rich

without ever asking

who all that wealth was 

taken from.

Then the fire burned everything to ash,

leaving those who could least afford it 

to scramble for survival

while developers and bankers met

to discuss how they might profit

by grabbing up the close-in valuable land

and moving “their” workers,

many with brown skin,

to the valley’s outskirts,

all in the name of charity.

Now you can see

how money and power flow

from bottom to top

filling giant pools for a few

with not much left to trickle down.

Along Bear Creek, 

just weeks after the fire, 

small sprouts of green 

bring the possibility of 

a new community

better than the old

with each plant and bird and animal 

doing its part.

In town, 

new sprouts of community 

are taking root too

as people work together 

to make sure everyone has

food and shelter and hope

and to ask what we can do 

so what grows back

will be better for all of us,

now that we can see.


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